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Leveraging the world's most AI-capable supercomputer

Alps by the National Supercomputing Center (CSCS) is the world's first national research infrastructure with over 10'000 GPUs of the new NVIDIA Grace Hopper superchip.


Building capacities for advanced and large-scale AI systems for the benefit of society. 


The Swiss AI Initiative was started in December 2023 and seeded with an initial investment of over 10'000'000 GPU hours. ETH Zurich and EPFL have now created the Swiss National AI Institute (SNAI) to provide a long-term and national perspective on AI-based research, education and innovation. SNAI accelerates the momentum of the Swiss AI Initiative and spearheads research on large-scale AI enabled by Alps. 

Going forward, the Swiss AI Initiative will be operated by SNAI.​ Leveraging its integration with the ETH AI Center and the EPFL AI Center, the new institute benefits from the critical mass of both institutions as well as the expertise of over 70 AI-focused professors from over 10 academic institutions across Switzerland.

The scientific leads are responsible for driving progress in their area together with the participating research groups. In total, there are five vertical activities for novel, domain-specific foundation models, and five horizontal activities to advance the foundations of LLMs and large-scale AI models towards trustworthiness and efficiency.



Foundation model for sciences

Prof. Brbic, Prof. Schwaller,
Prof. Marinkovic

Foundation model for health

Prof. Rätsch, Prof. Salathé,
Prof. Fellay

Foundation model for education

Prof. Käser, Prof. Sachan

Foundation model for sustainability / climate

Prof. Mishra, Prof. Schemm, Prof. Hoefler,
Prof. Schindler, Prof. Tuia

Foundation model for ego-centric vision & robotics

Prof. Alahi, Prof. Pollefeys,
Prof. Katzschmann


Fundamentals of foundation models

Prof. Yang, Prof. He,
Prof. Zdeborova, Prof. Flammarion

Human-AI alignment

Prof. Ash, Prof. Gulcehre

LLM security, red teaming & privacy

Prof. Troncoso, Prof. Tramèr​

Large-scale multi-modal models

Prof. Cotterell, Prof. Zamir

Tools & infrastructure for scaling

Prof. Klimovic, Prof. Falsafi

Advanced LLMs

Prof. Bosselut, Prof. Jaggi,
Dr. Schlag

steering committee

Research Committee
& Coordination

The Research Committee is responsible for overseeing the Swiss AI Initiative and decides on appointments of scientific leads for the activity areas, resources, and strategic direction. ETH Zurich and EPFL have both equal voting power in this committee.


Prof. Andreas Krause

ETH AI Center

Steering Committee


Prof. Martin Jaggi


Steering Committee


Dr. Martin Rajman


Coordination deputy


Prof. Ana Klimovic

ETH AI Center

Steering Committee


Dr. Joost VandeVondele


StC Observer


Prof. Antoine Bosselut


Steering Committee


PD Dr. Alexander Ilic

ETH AI Center

Coordination lead


Swiss AI Assembly

The Swiss AI initiative already involves over 70 professors from ETH Zurich, EPFL, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (HES-SO), Idiap Research Institute, Istituto Dalle Molle di studi sull'intelligenza artificiale (IDSIA USI-SUPSI), The Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC), Universitätsspital Zürich (USZ), University of Fribourg, University of Geneva , University of Bern, University of Zurich, and ZHAW.

​ETH Zurich
  • PD Dr. Alexander Ilic, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Ana Klimovic, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Andreas Krause, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Benjamin Grewe, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Catherine Jutzeler, ETH Zurich

  • Prof. Eleni Chatzi, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Elliott Ash, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Fanny Yang, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Florian Tramèr, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Gunnar Rätsch, ETH AI Center

  • Dr. Imanol Schlag, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Julia Vogt, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Konrad Schindler, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Valentina Boeva, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Marc Pollefeys, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Marina Krstic Marinkovic, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Martin Vechev, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Menna El-Assady, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Mrinmaya Sachan, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Niao He, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Robert Katzschmann, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Ryan Cotterell, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Sebastian Schemm, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Siddhartha Mishra, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Siyu Tang, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Thomas Hofmann, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Torsten Hoefler, ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Gisbert Schneider, ETH AI Center

University of Zurich
  • Prof. Abraham Bernstein, UZH

  • Prof. Davide Scaramuzza, UZH & ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Michael Krauthammer, UZH & ETH AI Center

  • Prof. Rico Sennrich, UZH

Idiap Research Institute
  • Prof. Andrea Cavallaro, IDIAP

  • Prof. James Henderson, IDIAP

University of Fribourg
  • Prof. Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, UFribourg

University of Bern
  • Prof. Paolo Favaro, Uni Bern

  • Dr. Alisa Rupenyan, ZHAW

  • Prof. Kurt Stockinger, ZHAW

  • Prof. Mark Cieliebak, ZHAW

  • Prof. Thilo Stadelmann, ZHAW

  • Prof. Alexander Mathis, EPFL

  • Prof. Alexandre Alahi, EPFL

  • Prof. Amir Zamir, EPFL

  • Prof. Anne-Florence Bitbol, EPFL

  • Prof. Antoine Bosselut, EPFL

  • Prof. Babak Falsafi, EPFL

  • Prof. Bruno Correia, EPFL

  • Prof. Caglar Gulcehre, EPFL

  • Prof. Carmela Troncoso, EPFL

  • Prof. David Atienza, EPFL

  • Prof. Devis Tuia, EPFL

  • Prof. Emmanuel Abbe, EPFL

  • Prof. Florent Krzakala, EPFL

  • Prof. Jacques Fellay, EPFL

  • Prof. Mackenzie Mathis, EPFL

  • Prof. Marcel Salathé, EPFL

  • Prof. Maria Brbic, EPFL

  • Prof. Martin Jaggi, EPFL

  • Prof. Martin Schrimpf, EPFL

  • Prof. Nicolas Flammarion, EPFL

  • Prof. Pascal Frossard, EPFL

  • Prof. Philippe Schwaller, EPFL

  • Prof. Robert West, EPFL

  • Prof. Sabine Süsstrunk, EPFL

  • Prof. Sanidhya Kashyap, EPFL

  • Prof. Tanja Käser, EPFL

  • Prof. Volkan Cevher, EPFL

  • Prof. Josie Hughes, EPFL

  • Prof. Lenka Zdeborova, EPFL

Istituto Dalle Molle di studi sull'intelligenza artificiale (IDSIA USI-SUPSI)
  • Prof. Andrea Emilio Rizzoli, SUPSI

  • Prof. Fabio Crestani, USI

  • Prof. Fabio Rinaldi, SUPSI

  • Prof. Marco Zaffalon, SUPSI

Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (HES-SO)
  • Dr. Andrei Kucharavy, HES-SO

  • Prof. Dimitri Percia David, HES-SO

  • Prof. Pamela Delgado, HES-SO

University of Geneva
  • Prof. Francois Fleuret, UniGe

Swiss AI Assembly
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